Jae & Joy’s Newsletter (5월 편지) 안녕하세요, 김재문, 유진 가정입니다.
주님 안에서 평안을 전합니다. 여러가지 변동되는 상황 가운데서도 주님의 은혜 안에 봄학기를 잘 마쳤습니다. 날마다 새 힘과 용기를 주신 아버지께 감사를 드리게 됩니다.
음악 프로그램에도 여러가지 변화와 어려움들이 있었습니다. 일반 음악 수업을 하시는 헤이디아 선생님이 출산 후 건강상 이유로 남은 학기 동안 돌아오지 않기로 결정을 하였습니다. 이 때문에 바이올린 프로그램을 잠시 더 미루고 제가 나머지 학기 동안일반 음악 교육을 하게 되었습니다. 제 개인적으로는 더 어렵고 불편한 결정이었지만 프로그램의 장기적이고 큰 그림을 볼 때 좋은 결정이었다는 생각이 듭니다. 음악 수업에 대해 학생들과 학부모들이 가진 가치가 낮다 보니 온라인 수업 출석률이 아주 저조했습니다.  때로는 자기 의자에 잘 앉아 있지도 못하는 1학년 아이들 두 명을 데리고, 때로는 7학년 아이들 꺼진 카메라 뒤 검은색 화면만을 보며 내가 지금 하고 있는 일의 가치를 되새겨봐야만 했습니다. 하지만 결국 주님은 신실하게 일하고 계시고 그분의나라는 이렇게 막막한 상황에서도 세워지고 있다는 것을 믿고 완주할 수 있었습니다.

학생들을 만날 수 없고 음악 프로그램의 변동과, 온라인 수업의 한계가 있는 이러한 상황 (given situation)에서 나는 어떻게 창조적인 방법으로 최선을 이끌어 낼 것인가 생각하게 되었습니다. 그 때 온라인 합창 비디오(virtual choir)를 학생들과 만들어 보면 어떨까 하는 아이디어가 떠올랐고 이번 학기 프로젝트로 시도해 보았습니다. 요르단 국가로 곡을 선정하고, 음악 편곡, 데모와 악보를 만들고 아이들을 한명 한명 연락하고 연습시켰습니다. 그리고 각자 집에서 녹음과 비디오를 받아 재문씨가 영상을 완성 했습니다. 이 영상은 이 어려운 시간에도 동일하게, 신실하게 하나님께서 우리와 함께 하셨다는 것에 대한 증거이고, 우리가 포기하지 않고 최선을 그분께 드리려 한 노력의 결과입니다. 주님께 찬양을 올려드립니다.

AAJ 학생들이 부르는 요르단 국가
제가 (재문) 가르치는 고등학생들에게도 코로나로 인한 어려움이 있었습니다. 저희 학교는 영국 커리큘럼을 사용하는데 10학년때 부터 대학입학에 점수가 반영되는 (같은 커리큘럼을 사용하는 세계 학교들이 총괄적으로 보는) 시험을 보게됩니다. 그렇지 않아도 코로나 온라인 수업으로 인해 진도가 한참 뒤쳐져 있었는데 갑작스럽게 시험 날짜가 한달이나 앞당겨졌습니다. 그렇지 않아도 코로나 상황으로 준비에 지장이 있던 학생들이 스트레스와 불안함에 고생을 했습니다. 하지만 견디어 주고 시험을 잘 끝내서 감사합니다. 아이들이 이러한 상황 가운데서도 최선을 다하도록 성실을 연습하는 기회가 되었기를 소망합니다. 

학교 리더십과 음악 프로그램 회의
10학년 수학 시험 날 학생들과 함께 이번 학기를 마치고 본국사역 (home assignment)위해 미국으로 잠시 들어갑니다. 가자마자 필요한 코로나 백신접종을 받으려고 합니다. 바쁘게 달려온 사역으로 인해 지친 몸과 마음을 재충전하고 교회들, 동역자분들과 소통하는 시간을 가지게 될 예정입니다. 또 저희 단체 본부 방문과 리더십 미팅들이 잡혀져 있습니다.

기도와 사랑에 늘 감사드립니다.
사랑으로, 예호 가정 올림

재정 동역 신청하기
계속 중보해 주세요! 
요르단을 위해: 코로나 두번째 웨이브가 지나가고 많이 안정이 되었습니다. 하지만 여전히 매일 밤 통금이 있고 백신 접종 (1차 접종자: 14%; 2차 접종자: 5%)도 계속 진행중에 있습니다. 요르단 정부에서 자국민을 위한 계속 노력하도록, 그리고 하나님의 보호하심을 기도해 주세요.
AAJ 학교를 위해: 요르단이 계속 안정되어 가을학기가 대면 수업으로 시작될 수 있도록. 그렇지 않다고 해도 유연성과 지혜, 장기적 시선을 가지고 가르칠 수 있도록.
다음 학기 음악 프로그램 준비가 잘 되고 잘 세워져 가도록. 주님의 도우심과 은혜를 위해 기도해 주세요.
라오스와 미국에 계시는 연로하신 부모님을 위해. 건강과 보호하심을 위해서 기도해 주세요.  
Jae & Joy’s Newsletter (May)
Dear friends and family,

We send you peace and joy in the Lord! We praise God for daily giving us the strength and courage during this semester. We are grateful that we finished strong, despite many challenges. 

The music program faced many changes in the planning. The general Music teacher had health issues after delivery and decided not to return to work for the rest of the semester. After weighing the values of the general music classes, I (Joy) decided to commit to teaching the general music classes myself, pausing the violin program. Personally, I would have enjoyed teaching the violin program much more. However, as the music director, I must be able to look at what is best for the school and the students and make that decision. The online music class attendance was extremely low. At times I sat in front of two 1st graders- who for the most part didn’t even sit on their chairs. Most of the time, the older students’ cameras were off, so I was talking to the quiet black screens. I had to daily ask myself my purpose. But in the end, I acknowledged that the kingdom of God is still expanding, because God is at work! Through those black screens, as I sing songs for them with smile, I trusted that the Lord is faithfully planting seeds and growing them.

I had to come up with a new idea that can turn the situation around. I didn’t want to sit back and say, “I will just wait for the next semester until things are better”. Then, the idea of creating a virtual choir video came to me, so I decided to give it a try. I chose the national anthem of Jordan, arranged and recorded the demos. Then I sent them to some selected students’ parents, training them, making the videos, sending them back and forth… and after many trials finally it was done last week! Jae did a fantastic job in creating this video. This video is a reminder of God’s faithfulness toward us during this challenging time. Also it will always be an encouragement to me because I know that we gave our best, and we did not settle for less. Praise the Lord!

Jordanian Royal Anthem, by AAJ students
Jae’s high school students also were deeply affected by the COVID. Our school uses the UK curriculum (IGCSE) and from grade 10, the students take multiple subject tests that determine their ability to get into colleges in Jordan. The exam board and the Ministry of Education kept changing their minds for multiple times adding stress to the students. When finally the students re-registered for the exam, they abruptly decided to move up the exam by one month. Needless to say, the students suffered greatly. But praise God, they were able to endure and the exams are done now. I pray that they were able to learn to continue to give their best regardless of any challenges.

Music program meeting with AAJ leadership

10th grade students – math exam day
We will be doing our home assignment in the summer. Being mindful of the safety situations, we desire to connect with our faithful partnering churches and individuals. At the same time, we also hope to be rejuvenated and encouraged to carry through the next school year. I (Jae) will be traveling to Colorado for IDEAS leadership team meetings in August. We are looking forward to seeing Covey having a great time with his grandparents.

Thank you always for your love and partnership.

With much love, 
Jae, Joy and Covenant

Ramadan season

Covey with KG teachers
Prayer Requests:

Jordan: The COVID’s second wave is behind us now. Daily night curfew is still in effect and the vaccination (1st dose: 14%; 2nd dose: 5%) is underway. Please pray for the wisdom of the leaders of the Jordanian government and most of all for God’s protection on His people. 
AAJ School: For the continuation of improved COVID situation, which would allow in-person teaching for the new semester. For us to have flexibility and wisdom in all circumstances.
For the Music Program to be well prepared for the new school year, and for God’s help and favor.
For both of our elderly parents in Laos, and in the US, for their health and protection. 
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Jae and Joy · 7852 S Elati St · Suite 202 · Littleton, or 80120 · USA